Alois×Manuela Support Conversations
C Support
マヌエラ: あら、アロイスさんも今から食事?よろしければご一緒しても?
Manuela: Alois:, what a pleasant surprise! Would you care to join me?
アロイス: うむ、ちょうど私も誰かを誘おうと思っていたところだ。
Alois: Ah, perfect! I was just looking for someone to dine with. Let's raid the dining hall, shall we?
マヌエラ: アロイスさん……やけに上機嫌だけれど、いったいどうしちゃったのかしら。
Manuela: My goodness, but you're in a good mood.
アロイス: 聞いてくれるか、マヌエラ先生。今日、妻から手紙が届いてな。
Alois: Manuela, I have some news. I received a letter from my wife today.
マヌエラ: ……失敗したわ、あたくし。これが上機嫌の理由だったのね。
Manuela: Oh?
アロイス: 娘があることを習い始めたのだ。マヌエラ先生、何か想像がつくか?
Alois: My daughter just picked up a new skill! Can you guess what it might be?
マヌエラ: 今の話だけで答えなきゃいけないの?……そうね、ありがちなところで料理とか。
Manuela: Singing? Dancing? I've no idea what parents teach their kids, or why they even have children at all. Still, give me a hint. Fishing? Bricklaying? Cooking?
歌? 踊り? あたくし、親が子に何を教えているのか、なぜ子供を産むのか、まったく分からないわ。 手がかりをいただけるかしら。 釣り? 煉瓦積み? 料理?yupeco.icon
アロイス: 流石はマヌエラ先生! そのとおりだ!妻が娘に料理の手ほどきをしてな。
Alois: That's right! Spot on, as always. My wife is teaching her the basics.
マヌエラ: 当たっちゃったのね……。
Manuela: The basics of...which?
アロイス: 何でも娘は、私の好きな料理を作れるようになって、次に帰る時に作ってくれるそうだ!
ぬおおん! 父親冥利に尽きるぞ!これ以上の幸せがあろうか! いや、ない!
Alois: Next time I'm home, my daughter will be able to cook me all my favorite meals. What a lucky father I am! Is any father in the world luckier than I?
マヌエラ: 食事中に叫ばないでくださる? ……って、あたくしの話なんて聞こえてないわね。
Manuela: I don't know, and I don't care to know.
アロイス: 久々に我が家に帰る私。出迎える妻。不安そうな顔の娘が、差し出す料理……。
もう味もわからん! 全力で平らげる!そんな未来が待っているとは……!
Alois: My wife greeting me at the door. My daughter's nervous face as she sets the meal on the table.
I'm so excited, I bet I won't even be able to taste the food as I devour it.
マヌエラ: いえ、そこは味わいなさいな。折角作った娘さんが可哀想だわ。
Manuela: Wouldn't your daughter appreciate it more if you took the time to savor—
アロイス: そして、食べきった後に、こう言うのだ。最高だ、人生で二番目に美味かった、とな。
Alois: Then I'll say, "How delicious! That was the second best meal I've ever had."
マヌエラ: 最高なのに一番じゃないのね。ま、次に何を言うのか想像はつくけれど。
Manuela: Not first best? Shouldn't you encourage her—
アロイス: 一番は妻の手料理だ。だが、それに匹敵する味だったぞ! 娘よ!
Alois: "Mommy's cooking is the best, but you're a close runner-up, darling!"
マヌエラ: ちょっと……いつ、あなたの娘になったのかしら、あたくし。
Manuela: Why would you say—
アロイス: 『父さま、嬉しいわ!』笑顔で抱き着く娘!ああ! なんと幸せな光景か! ああ……!
Alois: "Oh, Daddy, I'm so happy you liked it," she'll say, as she embraces me, a big smile on her little face. Ah! What could make a man happier?
マヌエラ: ……聞いてないわね。
Manuela: You've forgotten I'm here, haven't you? All I wanted was a dinner companion. What did I do to deserve this?
B Support
アロイス: マヌエラ先生。今日は折り入って相談があるのだが……
Alois: Manuela! There's something I must discuss with you.
マヌエラ: あら、アロイスさん。珍しく深刻な顔をしているのね。
Manuela: Alois, hello. You're looking more serious than usual. Is everything OK?
アロイス: 頼む、マヌエラ先生!共に娘への贈り物を考えてくれぬか?
Alois: I'm in dire straits. Can you help me think of a gift for my daughter?
Her birthday's just around the corner, and I can't think of anything to send her.
Frankly, though I've sent her some wonderful gifts over the years, she never seems too excited about them.
So this year, I want to send her something special. Something that she'll gush about!
マヌエラ: ……何の話かと思えば、アロイスさん。そういうのは、あたくしの仕事ではないわ。
Manuela: I wouldn't know the first thing about buying a gift for a child, never having had one myself. Now, I must ask you to leave the infirmary. I need to make room for sick and injured patients, who I am sure will arrive at any moment.
アロイス: そんな殺生な……! そこを何とか!何とかお願いできないだろうか!?
Alois: Oh, please, have a heart! Can't you help me at all? This is an emergency! I've been racking my brain. I have no idea what she might like, and time's running out. I thought that a young woman such as yourself might be able to help.
マヌエラ: うら……何ですって?もう一度、聞かせてくれるかしら。
Manuela: Young? D-did you just call me... Oh! Could you repeat that? Please?
アロイス: うら若く! 美しく艶やかで華やかで!おしゃれな、マヌエラ先生に是非とも!
Alois: Ah, of course! Anything for a young, charming beauty such as yourself! I can think of none worthier of that description!
マヌエラ: そ、そうね。ここまで頼み込まれて断ったら、女が廃るってものよね。
Manuela: Well, your quite astute observations have inspired me. So, let's discuss your daughter's birthday gift.
アロイス: おお、ありがたい。では次の休みにでも買い物に付き合ってもらえるか?
Alois: Oh, thank you! In that case, will you come shopping with me when you're done for the day?
マヌエラ: わかったわ。それにしてもアロイスさんの娘さんの喜ぶものね……。
Manuela: Very well. Now, let's begin with the simplest question. What does your daughter enjoy? What kind of gifts have you given her for previous birthdays?
アロイス: ここ数年は、古代の貨幣だな!
Alois: Well, for the past few years, I've been sending her ancient coins.
マヌエラ: ……は? ごめんなさい。よく聞こえなかったわ、あたくし。
Manuela: Excuse me?
アロイス: 古き時代に使われた、硬貨だ。私が集めに集めたとっておきを贈っていた。
価値もあり、歴史も感じられる、素晴らしい贈り物であろう? うむ!
Alois: Coins, I said, from ancient civilizations! I've been diligently collecting them and passing them on. They're precious and historically significant! The makings of a great gift, don't you think? ...Is something wrong?
マヌエラ: ………………。
Manuela: Oh. You don't think an ancient coin is much of a present, I take it.
アロイス: な、何か問題でも?まさか娘は喜んでいなかったと……!?
Alois: I'm sure that, for the right person, such a gift would be exquisite.
マヌエラ: そうねえ、あたくしだったらちょっと……。こうなったら仕方ないわ。
Manuela: You know what, Alois? Don't you fret. I'll think of something that will make your daughter happy, and make up for all of your other gifts!
A Support
アロイス: マヌエラ先生、先日は娘のために骨を折ってくれて本当に感謝の言葉もない。
Alois: I can't express enough how grateful I am for your help with my daughter. She was over the moon about the gift you chose.
マヌエラ: ふふ、当然の結果ね。このあたくしが、厳選に厳選を重ねて選んだんですもの。
Manuela: Oh! Wonderful! I would've expected no less after the effort I put into finding the perfect gift.
アロイス: それで娘から貰った感謝の手紙なのだが、あなたにも読んでもらえないだろうか。
Alois: I even received a thank-you letter from her. Would you care to read it?
マヌエラ: あたくしに?でも、ご家族の手紙を読むなんて……
Manuela: I shouldn't be reading your personal letters, Alois.
アロイス: 遠慮は無用。手紙の宛先をよく見るといい。
Alois: Don't worry. Look who it's addressed to.
マヌエラ: アロイスさんの名前と……あら、もう一つ、『贈り物を選んでくれた方へ』?
Manuela: Yes, I see you here, and... "To the person who selected my gift"?
アロイス: うむ、我が娘ながら実に勘が鋭い。私の浅知恵をこうもあっさり見抜くとは。
Alois: That's my daughter for you! Perceptive. She can see right through my little schemes.
マヌエラ: 今まで薄汚れてた硬貨を送り続けてたなら、誰だって気づくと思うわ……。
Manuela: It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out after being sent dirty coins for so many years... Anyway, I guess that means I can carry on reading.
マヌエラ: ………………。
Manuela: ...That's a special girl you've got there. Your daughter really cares about you.
アロイス: はっはっは。それ程でもあるかな。そういえば娘は幼い頃よく……
Alois: She does, doesn't she? That reminds me of when she was younger. She always used to—
マヌエラ: はいはい。その話はまた今度ということで。
Manuela: I'm gonna cut you off, Alois. I don't have time for a story right now.
アロイス: むむ、残念だ。では、それは後日として……マヌエラ先生には改めてお礼をしたい。
Alois: Very well, another time. But I would still like to show my appreciation. A knight never takes kindness for granted. What can I do for you?
マヌエラ: うーん……。してほしいことは山ほどあるけど、できることと言うと難しいわね。
Manuela: Oh, there's a mountain of things I want, but nothing I can ask you to do.
Reading your daughter's heartwarming letter was more than enough.
I didn't help you out so I could have a knight owe me a favor. I just wanted to help a friend.
アロイス: ううむ、なるほど。確かに一理ある。では、感謝の言葉だけ改めて……
Alois: In that case, I hope my words of gratitude will suffice as repayment. I am truly thankful for your help this time. And the next...
マヌエラ: ……え? 次って何?聞き捨てならないのだけれど。
Manuela: I'm sorry? What do you mean "the next"?
アロイス: 娘の誕生日が終われば、妻の誕生日が来るのは自明の理であろう。
Alois: Well, my wife's birthday is coming up... So, of course, I'm going to need all the help I can get from my gift-selection advisor!
マヌエラ: ちょっと、調子に乗らないでくれるかしら?
何でこんな男が結婚できて、あたくしが結婚できないの!? もう!
Manuela: Don't push your luck, pal. Alois, I'll never understand how someone like you can find love, yet I'm still alone.